Customer Experience In Digital Banking From International Cases


  • Nguyen Thi Van Anh


Digital banking, digital customers, service quality, customer experience


Today's new generation has completely digitized their lives and is strongly dependended on technology to carry out their daily tasks. Everything from books to food, finance and banking is now can be ordered and executed digitally through mobile phones or computers. When it comes to finance, digital banking with a very cost-effective way for customers to get basic services, but how will banks connect with their digital customers?

Customer-centric strategies, which were previously only used by well-known B2B consumer companies like Amazon and Google, are now making big changes in the B2B digital customer experience landscape, especially in the banking sector. Customers today are looking for personalized interactions, simple banking processes and managing banking accounts with the help of modern technology. This is the time when banks are required to innovate and meet the needs of their customers. In this article, I will focus on some of the digital customer experiences in the banking sector.
This study will synthetic which aspects are highly valued by customers of digital banking and how digital banks can improve their
customer experience. It will also make some recommendations to enhance the customer experience in digital banking - from usability, speed to security. The research is expected to make valuable contribution to banking innovation, support banking policymakers and bank managers to join in the innovative digital banking services.


